What I'm Reading At The Moment


Tuesday 12 August 2014

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Hello to whoever's reading this, the fifth issue of 'the cultural mindset of moi'. I am here to relate how I have been hooked, gripped and taken aback by the extraordinarily amazing novel which is 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' by Ken Kesey. A moving tale of one of the tough mental health institutions that were rife in the 1960s. If you were slightly quirky or out of the norm you were considered a danger to public life and so place in these vile prisons where electric shock treatment was practiced among other forms of torture, the book follows Chief Bromden, almost a piece of furniture at one of these places overseen by a poker-faced and monstrous mother nurse, as he witnesses the effect of a jovial and  loud new arrival to the ward. This arrival, McMurphy wishes to take on the dictatorship of the nurse that the patients are under in the hospital and much of the book entails the mental war between McMurphy and the nurse. As to Kesey's actual writing style and the forensics of what makes this book so great, I can say very little, I wouldn't usually say 'everything' but I believe this case is an anomaly. This book is extremely moving and really explores the question of what actually defines insanity. Even though the film is equally excellent, I strongly recommend reading the book first as is so in most cases. I hasten to apologise for this week's minuscule entry but really my cultural mindset has been controlled solely by this stunning piece of literature.

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